Please contact Joanne Sumner on 07786 273826 or email

Should we be unavailable when you call, please do leave your name and number and a convenient time to call you back.

A free half hour telephone consultation is available to all new clients.

If you prefer, please complete your requirements below.

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    Your Basket
    Chakra Rebalancing Guided Meditation by Joanne Sumner
    Chakra Rebalancing
    1 X £7.00 = £7.00
    Relaxing Guided Meditation by Joanne Sumner
    2 X £5.00 = £10.00
    Expanding Awareness Guided Meditation by Joanne Sumner
    Expanding Awareness
    3 X £5.00 = £15.00
    Deep Relaxation Guided Meditation by Joanne Sumner
    Deep Relaxation
    3 X £10.00 = £30.00
    Letting Go Guided Meditation by Joanne Sumner
    Letting Go
    1 X £7.00 = £7.00