A Simple Beginner Yoga Sequence
For this simple beginner yoga sequence, begin by resting in this position for 5 minutes.
Lie down on your back with knees bent, feet close to your buttocks.
Gently rock from side to side.
Draw one knee into the chest, extend the other leg along the floor – hold for 15 seconds. Then lift the outstretched leg to halfway to vertical – lower and lift x 4. Repeat on the other side.
Rock side to side and then circle knees away from each other (to warm the hips).
Stretch each leg in turn, using a belt if helpful.
Start with pelvic tilt – press back of your waist into the floor, lift tailbone, release – and then work up to bridge pose. Release and repeat x 2.
Supine Twist – Bring knees down to right first, then left.
Rock up to sitting position.
Half butterfly: draw the left leg in, the sole of the foot place at the inside of right thigh. Bounce the bent left leg up and down gently. Repeat on the other side.
Forward bend over one leg, then the other.
Cat/Cow: from all fours, tilt the pelvis so your body drops towards the floor – look up; tilt the pelvis the other way arching the spine and look between the legs. Repeat as many times as you like.
Shoulder Rolls – 3 x each way at least.
Neck Stretches – Forward and back, then side to side slowly.
Triceps Stretch
Standing Stretch – Come onto toes three times, for a full body stretch, followed by side stretch down to the sides either way (right side first).
Standing Forward Bend – If your hands don’t reach the floor, place them on your legs wherever they do reach.
Triangle Pose – Remember this is a side stretch, so avoid bending forwards in order to reach further down your leg. Just beyond your knee is fine.
Tree Pose – Find your balance and bring your left foot into the right knee. Bring your arms above your head and hold for 10 seconds.
Warrior 1 – Stand with right foot forward, left foot back on an angle. Right knee is bent – sink into a steady foundation. Arms swing up overhead, parallel. From here to folded pyramid:
Warrior 1 – Straighten the front leg and reach forward and down for a forward bend. Keep the front leg straight. Repeat both on the other side.
Standing back bend, with support.
Sit with crossed legs, and gently relax forwards over the legs.
Seated Side Stretch – Place your right hand on the floor and reach over your head with the left arm. Repeat on the left side.
Seated Twist – To the right first and then to the left.
Rest for 5 minutes, relaxing each of the muscles in turn.
Joanne Sumner is a trained therapist, practitioner, coach and trainer in Reiki and Flower Essences. She runs Online Yoga Classes and Online Meditation Classes, as well as in-person appointments. Please do check the location of any classes and private appointments.