Working with a coach or healer, yoga or meditation teacher, is most successful when there you have a natural rapport with them. The aim of the blog is to provide valuable insights and also to give you a feel for Joanne’s style.
Working with a coach or healer, yoga or meditation teacher, is most successful when there you have a natural rapport with them. The aim of the blog is to provide valuable insights and also to give you a feel for Joanne’s style.
How to become your own inner coach and banish the inner critic for good
The overwhelming majority of athletes have coaches – in fact, we remark on the few who don’t. More and more executives have coaches and mentors to help improve performance. Businesses of all sizes are employing coaches to help create and execute plans that succeed. We have relationship coaches, life coaches, spiritual coaches, money coaches, visibility […]
Tips for a good night’s sleep
Getting enough sleep is a perennial problem for some, and I sympathise. I’ve had two stress-related periods of exceptionally poor sleep in my life, and as a result, I began to dig deep into the science to help myself and others get a better night’s sleep. Here is what I found. Tips for a good […]
Body Confidence: why it is so important in business
Your body confidence is your tool for making your mark in the world. Minds and hearts alone won’t do it – we have to have a body to act through. Think about it… we need eyes to see, ears to hear, a voice to speak with, hands to create, and help us to relate. We […]
Cleansing relaxation script
This relaxation script is based on a cleansing practice in yoga. It works with the different layers of the human energy field. Within yoga, the physical body is seen just as the densest part of your being. The other component parts are: The energy body emotional body mental body and the bliss body or spiritual body. And […]
Giving and receiving: wrap-up session of “Feel Good With Jo”
This is the last of this current series of Feel Good With Jo, your Friday guide to leading a happy and healthy life. These are my thoughts on how to look after yourself and manage the busy stressful lives that we all seem to lead. What I’d like to talk about is getting a balance […]
A Simple Beginner Yoga Sequence
For this simple beginner yoga sequence, begin by resting in this position for 5 minutes. Lie down on your back with knees bent, feet close to your buttocks.
How to feel more confident and powerful – more you!
Today we will talk about how to feel more confident, more powerful, centred and whole. In the last two meditation classes, we have been exploring the concept of “magnetising yourself”. It helped us focus on how to make life more fun and manageable. We leave parts of ourselves in the activities and emotions of our day. […]
The power of a 90 day plan to help you reach your business goals
You will never reach your business goals if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. Winston Churchill. Welcome to a new year! I hope last year was excellent for you, but even if it wasn’t we get to use the new year as an opportunity to start over and my job is to […]
Emotional resilience and self containment
In our yoga classes this week we’ve been discussing the idea of emotional resilience and self-containment. What it means to be able to contain our energy, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions. So, we can look after ourselves and we look after the people around us. What does it mean to contain oneself? Colloquially we […]
2019: The zen of January. The New Year resolution solution
It’s that time of year when everyone is making their new year resolutions, or proclaiming how they won’t be or don’t believe in making new year resolutions – and it can get a bit sanctimonious on both sides! So how about this? Your resolutions, or lack thereof, are none of my business, and you cordially […]
Money mindset: what if abundance comes first?
A couple of years ago, I spent some time reading A Source of Miracles, by Kathleen McGowan, and I found her take on abundance very interesting. The part of her question that arrested my attention was “what if abundance came first and deserving second?”
Being resourceful, creative and whole: what if we are all naturally like that?
When I was training as a coach, we were invited to see our clients as naturally being resourceful, creative and whole. Whatever the client might feel, whatever evidence of stuckness, we were to regard the person as a whole; as capable of finding their own solution; as endlessly creative and able to generate new possibilities […]