Online Meditation Classes

Meditation at Joanne Sumner Wellbeing

I was taught to meditate at school. It’s an unusual start to life as a meditator, and my practice has developed considerably over the 14 years I’ve been studying different traditions and teaching meditation to others. I believe this provides me with an understanding of meditation “in my bones” that brings depth to the online Meditation Classes.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a simple and powerful way to relax, quiet your busy mind, and connect with your deeper self. Mindfulness and meditation teachers variously describe the practice as going within, stilling the mind, finding inner peace, and experiencing being rather than doing.

For me, meditation is all these things, and a healer of body, mind and spirit. It will help you:

  • improve your cardiac health
  • strengthen your immune system
  • switch from fight and flight to rest, digest and repair
  • calm your emotions
  • bring clarity
  • help you feel content and confident of your purpose in life
  • know who you are
  • release stress and anxiety in your everyday life.

Why come to a class?

I wanted to offer online Mindfulness & Meditation Classes because there is power in groups. It is far easier to go into a meditative state when you are with a group of people led by an experienced teacher or facilitator.

Does it matter if I have / or don’t have previous meditation experience?

We welcome both beginners and clients who already have different levels of experience of meditation practice and techniques to our weekly meditation classes. Beginner’s mind often means that people coming to meditation for the first time can bring a fresh perspective to what we do and the whole class will benefit from that. More experienced practitioners, will be able to bring their own understanding and wisdom and again, that will benefit the group. So everyone truly is welcome.

What do your meditation students say about your classes?

Here is what two of my regular students wanted to share with you:

“Jo’s meditation class has given me a very valuable moment each week to pause & reconnect with myself.

I’ve learned loads of different techniques from Jo’s excellent teaching which draws on a wide range of traditions & I have gained insight by the of sharing experiences within our very supportive group.

Also, I’ve learned how to create little spaces in my day to day life too, which give me perspective, and allow me to find calmness in the midst of a rather hectic life.

Thank you Jo for creating a very special space.”


“It’s a supportive group space where we are free to share the difficult things and the joyous things we are all going through and to be coached by you and listen and learn from each other. It’s fascinating to see how we all change gradually (sometimes quickly) and to feel supported by and to support each other. It helps to integrate meditation into your life rather than turning up, doing a meditation and leaving again, we have the space to reflect on life and meditate on it all at the same time.”

I hope this helps you get a feel for how the classes work, and encourage you to come along and try them for yourself.

What do I need to bring?

The classes are friendly, with a maximum of 12 people per class. You’ll need whatever will help you feel comfortable and relaxed – typically people will find somewhere quiet to sit, and a blanket to keep warm, as well as cushions for support, and a glass of water to stay hydrated and for grounding after the meditation.

There is one class:

Jo runs an ongoing mindfulness and personal development group. It is focused on developing your understanding of mindfulness practices, to help you build resilience and enjoyment in life. It is suitable both for complete beginners and for experienced meditators who want to focus more on mindfulness as an approach.

No experience is required, though experience is welcome too.

Book by emailing Jo directly.

Bespoke meditation

Did you know that I offer bespoke meditations, written and recorded for you or for a loved one as a thoughtful and unique gift? Click to view

“Jo’s classes are a harmonious blend of Eastern tradition and Western reality. They provide a safe space and sensitive support to explore different experiences of being human. Jo’s thoughtful guidance has enabled me to develop aspects of my spirituality whilst rooting me firmly and physically in the contemporary world. They offer a very powerful and practicable way of living in the 21st Century.”


“Jo provided great tips on reducing the noise in my overactive brain.  The meditation class is a wonderful relaxing hour out of my stressful week.”


“I have attended both Joanne’s Meditation and Yoga classes. I highly recommend these groups, Jo is attentive, calm, friendly and her knowledge and experience is clear to see.”

DebbieKeheren Therapy

“I have worked with Jo as a coach and as a yoga teacher. She approaches both with love, warmth, compassion, humour and incredibly helpful insights. Highly recommended!”

SusanDrama Teacher

“I’m finding the sessions useful, especially the mindfulness activity, it’s helping me to feel more relaxed and being in the moment.”


“Thank you for last night’s meditation — still walking on a cloud with a happy heart.”


“I have attended both Joanne’s Meditation and Yoga classes. I highly recommend these groups, Jo is attentive, calm, friendly and her knowledge and experience is clear to see.”

Keheren Therapy

“Jo Sumner’s meditation classes are now part of my weekly routine and I look forward to attending week after week. Being new to meditation, Jo’s calm and relaxed approach to teaching made me feel instantly comfortable as well as being in the relaxed environment of Jo’s lovely yoga studio. If you haven’t tried yoga or meditation before and interested, I highly recommend speaking to Jo and trying out a session!”

Lisa G

“Jo is a fantastic teacher! She loves what she does and that always comes through. In my sessions with her in yoga, meditation and on retreats I have experienced incredibly well-planned organisation as well as genuinely loving support. Her humour, truthful perception, knowledge and kindness always leave you feeling uplifted.”


“It turns out to have been a very fortunate day over 11 years ago when I  arrived at one of Joanne’s meditation classesnot knowing what to expect but knowing that I needed to do something about my stress levelsUnder Joanne’s compassionate guidance I have learned the life changing benefits of even just a few minutes of meditation per day and the mind-body stillness achievable through yoga. Life’s challenges certainly haven’t gone away, but Joanne has been invaluable in teaching me how to protect and resource my own well-being and mental health. She allies a deep understanding of the meditation and yoga traditions with practical common sense and easy to follow suggestions in her life coaching and retreats – and the results are a real game changer.”

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