Half day workshop: A mindful approach to self nourishment for you, your business and your family.
Location: Cook Folk, Priory Farmhouse, Pamber End, north Hampshire, RG26 5QD
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Date: Friday 18th October 2024
Time: 10.00am – 2.30pm, including a healthy and nutritious lunch
Limited tickets available.
Healthy Eating Made Easy Workshop
We are delighted to invite you to an exciting new collaboration between Jane at Nurturing Nutrition, Louisa at Cook Folk and Joanne of Joanne Sumner Wellbeing – “Healthy eating made easy: A mindful approach to self-nourishment for you, your business and your family”.
This half day workshop with lunch will be held at Louisa’s beautiful boutique cookery school in northern Hampshire. We have woven together our skills in nutrition, cooking, creativity and mindfulness to offer you a really nourishing and practical way to make healthy eating simple, delicious and above all attainable without overwhelm.
As three entrepreneurs with differing home requirements, we too have wrestled with how to create a nurturing relationship around food, health, cooking and caring for our loved ones and for ourselves.
We believe passionately that the approach to healthy eating can be demystified and made entirely possible, and the aim of this workshop is to provide:
– clarity on what food to focus on for health and wellness
– how to shop and eat seasonally for better health
– why it matters HOW we eat as well as what we eat
– bespoke strategies for reducing overwhelm and mid-week fridge fear!
– greater awareness around the real blockers to taking your food (and health) seriously
– an entirely new and intuitive approach to reliably creating delicious food in a short time
– practical problem-solving so that you go home confident you can implement the learning.
And of course, we will provide a delicious lunch that demonstrates the principles in action, so that you are fed body, mind and soul.
We take a pragmatic and non-judgmental approach to helping identify the small changes that each individual can make, in their context, to build a happy and healthy relationship with both cooking and eating. You matter – and we put your wellness at the heart of the day, in the same way your wellness is at the heart of your business and your home.
As presenters, we are quite different in our own approaches to healthy eating, reflecting being at different stages in our lives, with different requirements (older children, younger children, dietary restrictions and other) and also different personalities. This gives us a wide range of resources to draw on to help you find what will enable you to feel confident and free to make healthy and creative choices that will satisfy the taste buds as well as the gut and the brain.
We will provide the guidance and also the flexibility that you can make our approach to planning and preparing food your own.
Food is love made visible and we so look forward to nourishing you.
Get to know us:
Jane – is a registered nutritionist with 10 years’ experience of helping adults & children with digestive health issues improve their health through food. She provides inspiring and practical advice and brings her own experience of decades of sub-standard health to support you with empathy & understanding (she really doesn’t want you spending so many years getting back to optimal health like she did). In her spare time, when not geeking out on nutrition research, she is to be found walking the dog in nature, on the golf course or singing with her choir.
Louisa – Cook Folk was founded in 2018 by cook, food writer and cookery teacher Louisa Chapman-Andrews, following many enjoyable years working with modern British grocer and North London institution, Melrose and Morgan, with whom she wrote ‘Good Food For Your Table: A Grocer’s Guide’ in 2014.
Louisa’s passion for food runs deep, coming from a wide family of cooks and organic gardeners with influences from all over the world. Cook Folk is dedicated to teaching people how to discover their inner cook, to nourish their loved ones and unleash their creative potential, cooking without recipes and with whole, seasonal ingredients.
Joanne – is a wellbeing coach and mindfulness teacher, and in her own pursuit of health, mindfulness around food has become a big thing! She will be sharing some of the tips that have worked for her, as well as facilitating a conversation around what food means to us, why we sometimes resent, indulge, or use it to fill emotional needs that we can meet in other and sometimes healthier ways. As a multipreneur, Joanne is particularly keen on ease and enjoyment in her life! There is no end to the to do list so food preparation needs to be enjoyable and simple. She is therefore an ideal candidate herself for Jane and Louisa’s brilliant work.
About me, Joanne Sumner
I’ve been running retreats for over 15 years now, and have run 43 retreats. It’s a core part of my raison d’etre, providing oases of calm and nourishment in busy lives.
I’m a qualified yoga teacher and meditation teacher. I’m also trained in reiki, flower essences and am an accredited Human Potential Coach with The Human Potential Institute.